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Text File  |  1985-04-10  |  38KB  |  92 lines

  1. editorial,commentary,AT&T,UNIX,compatible                        D. Bunnell                                   "Does AT&T Still Ring True?"                                     PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         13Commentary on why AT&T has introduced a PC compatible ("that     doesn't even run UNIX").                                                                                                          
  2. editorial,commentary,future,forcast,IBM,predator,economics,marketA. T. Williams                               REMark - "Predators, Inc.?"                                      PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         19Speaking as an economist by training, the author gives his view  of the future of the personal computer market, with particular   attention paid to IBM as a possible (monopolizing) "predator".   
  3. help,Q&A,DOS 2.00,FORMAT,bug,Lotus 1-2-3,Little Black Book                                                    LETTERS                                                          PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         251)DOS 2.00 FORMAT bug, 2)Bug in "Little Black Book II" (PCW, v.2 n.7) article on Lotus 1-2-3.                                                                                                      
  4. guide,accounting,consumer,purchase,advice,insert                 M. K. Guttman                                "How to Choose an Accounting Package?"                           PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         56Guide on how to choose accounting software.  [Also, inserts      entitled "Accounting in a Nutshell", "Another Kind of Integrated Package", and "Doing the Books"].                                
  5. tutorial,accounting,ledger,bookkeeping,insert                                                                 "Accounting in a Nutshell"                                       PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         59Insert in "How to Choose an Accounting Package?" by M. K. Guttmanthis article is a short tutorial (overview) on accounting        methods.                                                         
  6. accounting,integration,consolidation,insert                                                                   "Another Kind of Integrated Package"                             PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         61Insert in "How to Choose an Accounting Package?" by M. K. Guttmanthis article discusses accounting software integration---i.e.,   consolidation of general ledger, payroll, inventory, etc.        
  7. accounting,bookkeeping,list,insert                                                                            "Doing the Books"                                                PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         64Insert in "How to Choose an Accounting Package?" by M. K. Guttmanthis article gives a list of some of the most popular accounting software packages currently on the market.                       
  8. tutorial,integrated,software                                     P. Gordon                                    "What Is Integrated Software?"                                   PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         72Tutorial on the three basic types of software integration, with  the advantages and disadvantages of each.                                                                                         
  9. help,Q&A,book,BASIC,encryption,scroll,window,SWAPPRTS.COM,port   K. Koessel                                   THE HELP SCREEN                                                  PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         831)Books containing BASIC programs, 2)Encryption codes, 3)Scroll  window under BASIC, 4)SWAPPRTS.COM for swapping ports.                                                                            
  10. education,training,interactive,video,author,insert               W. Parker                                    "Interactive Video: Calling the Shots"                           PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11         98Tutorial on interactive video programs and authoring systems for developing these codes (a list is given). [Also, inserts entitled"Tape Versus Disc" and "Computer-to-Video Interfaces"].          
  11. videodisc,videotape,insert                                                                                    "Tape Versus Disc"                                               PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        104Insert in "Interactive Video: Calling the Shots" by W. Parker,   this article compares videotape and videodisc systems.                                                                            
  12. interface,board,list,videodisc,videotape,insert                                                               "Computer-to-Video Interfaces"                                   PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        107Insert in "Interactive Video: Calling the Shots" by W. Parker,   this article gives a list of interface devices (e.g., boards) forconnecting PCs to videotape or videodisc players.                
  13. clone,compatible,update,news                                     K. Greenberg                                 COMPATIBLES UPDATE                                               PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        116Column devoted to news and notable developments in the IBM PC    compatible (clone) industry.                                                                                                      
  14. review,DesQ,Quarterdeck,integrator,window,utility                B. Crider                                    "A DesQ With Nine Views"                                         PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        132Review of DesQ (by Quarterdeck Office Systems), a software inte- grator package with a windowing environment to "tie together     software you already own".                                       
  15. review,MIST+,New Era,integrated,DBM,communication,insert         J. Powers                                    "The Communicator's Tool Chest"                                  PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        144Review of MIST+ 1.1 (by New Era Technologies), an integrated DBM and communications package.  [Also, an insert entitled "A Sample Session With MIST+'s DBMS"].                                     
  16. tutorial,MIST+,New Era,integrated,DBM,communication,insert                                                    "A Sample Session With MIST+'s DBMS"                             PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        148Insert in "The Communicator's Tool Chest" by J. Powers, this ar- ticle is a short tutorial (sampler) on using the DBM system that comes with the MIST+ package.                                    
  17. review,Sperry PC,Leading Edge PC,compatible                      R. Birmele                                   "Family Resemblance"                                             PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        158Review of the Sperry PC (by Sperry Corp.) and the Leading Edge   PC (by Leading Edge Products, Inc.).                                                                                              
  18. review,Idea Processor,integrated,graphics,word processor,DBM     W. Usim                                      "A New Idea in Word Processing"                                  PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        168Review of The Idea Processor (by Idea Ware, Inc.), an integrated word processor that includes a graphics utility for integrating  graphics into documents and a DBM system for organizing ideas.   
  19. review,Preview Pak,Friendly Writer,education,training            R. Luhn (Editor)                             FROM THE SOFTWARE SHELF                                          PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        178Review of: 1)Preview Pak, 2)Friendly Writer with Friendly Speller......continued to next record.                                                                                                   
  20. review,Typing Instructor,Speed Reading,education,training        R. Luhn (Editor)                             FROM THE SOFTWARE SHELF                                          PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        178.....cont. from previous record.  3)Typing Instructor, 4)Speed   Reading...The Computer Course.                                                                                                    
  21. review,tutorial,Personal Editor,IBM,PE,macro,word processor      S. J. Lagreca                                "Enhancing the IBM Personal Editor"                              PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        214Tutorial-like review of Personal Editor (by IBM).  Macros are    given for customizing PE and turning it into a complicated word  processor.                                                       
  22. tutorial,dBASE II,command file,business,DBM,insert               D. Jenkins                                   "Take Command of dBASE II"                                       PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        232Tutorial on how to create a dBASE II command file and to use it  to solve a typical business problem.  [Also, an insert entitled  "Stepping  Through a Command File"].                             
  23. tutorial,dBASE II,command file,debug,DBM,insert                                                               "Stepping Through a Command File"                                PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        232Insert in "Take Command of dBASE II" by D. Jenkins, this article demonstrates how to debug a dBASE II command file.                                                                                
  24. tutorial,BASIC,DOS 2.00,menu,key,.BAT                            R. DeMers                                    "The Single-Button Menu"                                         PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        244Tutorial on using BASIC commands and DOS 2.00 batch files in     order to build a menu system that calls both DOS and BASIC appli-cations using one key.                                           
  25. help,Q&A,XMAKER,DATAMKR,binary file,F3 key,SIGNAL,PAUSE,BEEP     S. Cook (Editor)                             STAR-DOT-STAR                                                    PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        2621)BASIC programs XMAKER and DATAMKR for creating binary files    published in this column, 2)Tip on using F3 key, 3)Program SIGNALto PAUSE plus BEEP, ......continued to next column.              
  26. help,Q&A,BLANK2,screen,REBOOT,STRIPHI,WordStar,1-2-3             S. Cook (Editor)                             STAR-DOT-STAR                                                    PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        262...cont. from previous record.  4)BLANK2.COM for blanking screen after 2 min. of inactivity, 5)Bug in REBOOT.BAS (PCW v.2 n.7),   6)1-2-3 bug, 7)STRIPHI for stripping high order bits (WordStar). 
  27. Bluebush Chess,Sargon III,SPOC,J. Kaplon,contest,match,insert    S. R. Schwartz                               "The Chess Champion of the 8088"                                 PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        278Three chess programs (Bluebush Chess, Sargon III, and SPOC) were were pitted against each other, and the winner against Julio Kap-lan (Int. master).  [Also, an insert entitled "The Champ Speaks"]
  28. interview,J. Kaplon,chess,insert                                                                              "The Champ Speaks"                                               PC World84/10 Oct v.2 n.11        286Insert in "The Chess Champion of the 8088" by S. R. Schwartz,    this article is an interview with Julio Kaplan, international    chess master.                                                    
  29. editorial,commentary,forecast,future                             D. Bunnell                                   "My Travels in the PC Time Machine"                              PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12         13Author looks back over the last ten years of his involvement withPCs and gives his perspective on the status and direction of the industry.                                                        
  30. editorial,commentary,PC World,change,improvement                 H. Miller                                    "A New Look at Accessibility"                                    PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12         23Changes (improvements) to PC World magazine, starting with this  issue, are outlined.                                                                                                              
  31. help,Q&A,Lotus 1-2-3,data,label,floating legend,plot                                                          LETTERS                                                          PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12         33Using data labels for floating legends in Lotus 1-2-3.                                                                                                                                             
  32. history,spreadsheet,finance,model,mainframe                      A. T. Williams                               "Of Spreadsheets and Models"                                     PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12         66The history of electronic spreadsheets is looked at, along with  their relationship to financial modeling programs which have     their roots in mainframes.                                       
  33. help,Q&A,printer,switch,apartment,cursor,screen,PRTSCOFF,Compaq  K. Koessel                                   THE HELP SCREEN                                                  PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12         791)Printer switch/hardware vs. software, 2)Apartment management   software/spreadsheet, 3)Rectangular cursor, 4)Changing screen    width/80 vs. 40, 5)PRTSCOFF.COM/Shift-PrtSc (Compaq).            
  34. World Class PC Contest,results                                   C. Whyte                                     "World Class PC"                                                 PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12         96Twenty nine PC-compatible products take first prize in the World Class PC Contest.                                                                                                                 
  35. interview,True BASIC,J. Kemeny,T. Kurtz,Dartmouth,future,forecastA. Fluegelman (Editor)                       "In Quest of True BASIC"                                         PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        120Interview with Dartmouth professors John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz,inventors of BASIC, who give their views on what has happened to the language and what holds for the future.                      
  36. clone,compatible,update,news                                     K. Greenberg                                 COMPATIBLES UPDATE                                               PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        138Column devoted to news and notable developments in the IBM PC    compatible (clone) industry.                                                                                                      
  37. review,Framework,Ashton-Tate,integrated,business                 B. Crider                                    "Framework: Simplicity and Synergy"                              PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        148Review of Framework (by Ashton-Tate), integrated business appli- cations pacakge: word processor, spreadsheet, DBM, graphics,     communications.                                                  
  38. review,Micro/Prophit,Via,finance,model                           B. Dauphinais                                "Planning for Profit"                                            PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        168Review of Micro/Prophit (by Via Computer, Inc.), a financial     modeling and analysis program.                                                                                                    
  39. review,Oz: Management Control,Fox & Geller,finance,model         A. T. Williams                               "Follow the Yellow Brick Road"                                   PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        187Review of Oz: Management Control (by Fox & Geller, Inc.), a fin- ancial modeling and analysis package.                                                                                             
  40. review,Spacemaker,Realia,utility,compress,space,disk,.EXE,.COM   G. Plantz                                    "The PC's Space Program"                                         PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        200Review of Spacemaker (by Realia, Inc.)., a utility program that  lets you compress .EXE and .COM files in order to conserve space on floppy and/or hard disks.                                     
  41. review,Print Basher,PC Write,Timepiece,Customizer for WordStar   R. Luhn (Editor)                             FROM THE SOFTWARE SHELF                                          PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        209Review of: 1)Print Basher, 2)Customizer for WordStar, 3)PC Write,4)Timepiece, Version 3.1.                                                                                                         
  42. 80286,8088,chip,microprocessor,Intel                             R. Luhn and R. Cook                          "80286: Intel's Multitask Master"                                PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        248Overview of Intel's 80286 microprocessor, which is six to eight  times faster than the 8088.                                                                                                       
  43. NAPLPS,standard,protocol,graphics,videotex,communication,insert  M. Dietrich and J. Stothers                  "Toward a Graphics Standard"                                     PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        264Overview of the NAPLPS graphics standard and future communicationpossibilities (originally developed to unify videotex systems).  [Also, insert "How a NAPLPS Decoder Works - And How It Doesn't"].
  44. NAPLPS,standard,protocol,graphics,videotex,decoder,insert        D. McCune                                    "How a NAPLPS Decoder Works - And How It Doesn't"                PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        270Insert in "Toward a Graphics Standard" by M. Dietrich and        Stothers, this article is a short tutorial on how a NAPLPS       decoder functions.                                               
  45. tutorial,Framework,Ashton-Tate,insert                            D. Andersen                                  "Frame by Frame"                                                 PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        284A hands-on example (tutorial) on how the Outline View (of Ashton-Tates' Framework) can organize frames of data from a number of   different applications.  [Also, insert "Formulas and FRED"].     
  46. tutorial,Framework,Ashton-Tate,FRED,command,dBASE II,DBM,insert                                               "Formulas and FRED"                                              PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        287Insert in "Frame by Frame" by D. Andersen, this article is a     terse description of FRED, the Framework equivalent of dBASE II'scommand language.                                                
  47. tutorial,Lotus 1-2-3,template,home finance,macro,money           R. Soucie                                    "Personal Macro Economics"                                       PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        294Tutorial on using Lotus 1-2-3 (i.e., template) to monitor your   home spending: "1-2-3's macro feature is the key".                                                                                
  48. help,Q&A,PC-BEEP,NUMOFF,SWITCHAR,bug                             S. Cook (Editor)                             STAR-DOT-STAR                                                    PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        3111)Typo-bug in "PC-Beep III" (*.*, PCW, v.2 n.7), 2)Bug in NUMOFF.COM (*.*, PCW, v.2 n.9), 3)Warning about SWITCHHAR function in   "TREE Root Bug" (*.*, PCW, v.2 n.7) ......cont. to next record.  
  49. help,Q&A,FORMAT,hard disk,RUN.BAT,HELP.BAT,KEYCLICK,DISKCOMP     S. Cook (Editor)                             STAR-DOT-STAR                                                    PC World84/11 Nov v.2 n.12        311...cont. from previous record.  4)FORMAT/accidental erase,       5)RUN.BAT/program menu batch file, 6)HELP.BAT/on-line help facil-ity, 7)KEYCLICK/compatibles, 8)DISKCOMP first & last diskette.   
  50. editorial,commentary,slump,shakeout,magazine,Softalk,PC Age      D. Bunnell                                   "Winter: Here at Last!"                                          PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13        11Commentary on the "summer slump" in the PC industry, which led   to a shakeout in the related magazine industry followed by the   loss of a number of magazines (e.g., Softalk, PC Age, and others)
  51. editorial,commentary,computerphobia,modernize,sabotage,Luddite   W. Rodarmor                                  REMark - "The Luddite Legacy"                                    PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13        19Commentary on those who hate and love modernization, new tech-   nology, and computerphobia.  Origin of the word "sabotage" given.                                                                 
  52. help,Q&A,unlink,Multiplan,spreadsheet                                                                         LETTERS                                                          PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13        29Unlinking Multiplan worksheets (spreadsheets).                                                                                                                                                     
  53. Talking Program,handicap,blind,voice,farm,ECFA,free,agriculture  K. Seger (Editor)                            PC WORLD VIEW                                                    PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13        401)Enhanced PC Talking Program (by R. Hutchinson), designed for   use by the blind, 2)Eastern Computing Farmers Assoc. (ECFA) give free computer consulting by phone.                               
  54. review,Professional Connection,CompuServe,EIS,communication,DBM  K. Bottomly                                  "CompuServe Means Business"                                      PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13        56Review of The Professional Connection and Executive Information  Service (EIS) (by CompuServe, Inc.), a communications program foruse with business databases accessed through CompuServe.         
  55. beginner,tutorial,function key,retype,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,DOS         S. Novogrodsky                               "The First Five Functions"                                       PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13        68Introductory tutorial on using function keys F1 through F5 in    order to eliminate some retyping and to help fix typos.                                                                           
  56. help,Q&A,BASIC.COM,compatible,DOS,WordStar,screen,HELP.BAT       K. Koessel                                   THE HELP SCREEN                                                  PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13        771)BASIC.COM vs. compatibles, 2)DOS distributed on single-sided   disks, 3)WordStar/screen intensity, 4)Typing only "HELP" with    HELP.BAT.                                                        
  57. Hollywood,film,movie,TV,accounting,writer,author,insert          E. Brown and J. Faulkner                     "Hollywood PC"                                                   PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13        96The use of PCs in various aspects of the Hollywood motion pic-   ture/TV industry is discussed, including script writing, account-ing, etc.  [Also, an insert entitled "Script Writing Software"]. 
  58. Hollywood,film,movie,script,TV,writer,author,insert                                                           "Script Writing Software"                                        PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       100Insert in "Hollywood PC" by E. Brown and J. Faulkner, this arti- cle takes a special look at word processors and other software   used by Hollywood script writers.                                
  59. work,home,office,cottage,industry,entrepreneur,insert            A. Micossi                                   "The Ten-Second Commute"                                         PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       118Four profiles illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of     working at home with your PC.  [Also, and insert entitled        "Practical Advice for Would-Be-Pioneers"].                       
  60. work,home,office,cottage industry,pioneer,entrepreneur,insert                                                 "Practical Advice for Would-Be-Pioneers"                         PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       126Insert in "The Ten-Second Commute" by A. Micossi, this article   gives some tips for those who are thinking about setting up a    computerized cottage business in their home.                     
  61. clone,compatible,update,news                                     K. Greenberg                                 COMPATIBLES UPDATE                                               PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       132Column devoted to news and notable developments in the IBM PC    compatible (clone) industry.                                                                                                      
  62. review,HP 110,Hewlett-Packard,compatible,portable,lap            D. Goodman                                   "HP's Desktop in a Briefcase"                                    PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       152Review of the HP 110 (by Hewlett-Packard), a compatible portable (lap-size) computer.                                                                                                              
  63. review,dBASE III,Ashton-Tate,DBM                                 D. Jenkins                                   "dBASE III"                                                      PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       167Review of dBASE III (by Ashton-Tate).                                                                                                                                                              
  64. review,Microsoft Chart,business,graphics                         S. Lambert                                   "The Graphics Gallery"                                           PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       180Review of Microsoft Chart (by Microsoft Corp.), a presentation-  quality business graphics package.                                                                                                
  65. review,ChessWright,Cribbage Partner,Seastalker,Question,game                                                  FROM THE SOFTWARE SHELF                                          PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       195Review of: 1)ChessWright, 2)Cribbage Partner, 3)Seastalker,      4)Question.                                                                                                                       
  66. review,IBM PC-AT,insert                                          K. Greenberg and K. Koessel                  "AT: The PC's Powerful Partner"                                  PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       234Review of the IBM PC-AT.  [Inserts: "In a New Key", "A Wardrobe  Change", "3.00 and Counting", "View From the Top", and "IBM's    UNIX"].                                                          
  67. review,IBM PC-AT,keyboard,insert                                 A. Fluegelman                                "In a New Key"                                                   PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       238Insert in "AT: The PC's Powerful Partner" by K. Greenberg and    K. Koessel, this article reviews the redesigned keyboard for the IBM PC-AT.                                                       
  68. review,IBM PC-AT,compatibility,80826,8088,chip,insert            D. DiNucci                                   "A Wardrobe Change"                                              PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       240Insert in "AT: The PC's Powerful Partner" by K. Greenberg and    K. Koessel, this article reviews the IBM PC-AT in terms of the   hardware/software compatibility with the PC (80826 vs. 8088 chip)
  69. review,IBM PC-AT,DOS 3.0,insert                                  H. Miller                                    "3.00 and Counting"                                              PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       242Insert in "AT: The PC's Powerful Partner" by K. Greenberg and    K. Koessel, this article reviews DOS 3.0 that was announced alongwith the IBM PC-AT.                                              
  70. review,Top View,IBM,utility,window,insert                        E. Spire and K. Koessel                      "View From the Top"                                              PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       246Insert in "AT: The PC's Powerful Partner" by K. Greenberg and    K. Koessel, this article reviews the Top View window utility (by IBM) that was announced at the same time as the IBM PC-AT.       
  71. review,UNIX,PC XENIX,IBM PC-AT,insert                            H. Miller                                    "IBM's UNIX"                                                     PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       248Insert in "AT: The PC's Powerful Partner" by K. Greenberg and    K. Koessel, this article reviews PC XENIX, the UNIX-like operat- ing system that runs on the recently announced IBM PC-AT.        
  72. digital image processing,Landsat,satellite,earth,graphics,insert J. Littman and M. Friedland                  "PC in the Sky"                                                  PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       256Overview of digital image processing and the Landsat satellite.  [Also, inserts entitled "Ingredients for Success" and "A HardwareShopping List"].                                                 
  73. digital image processing,graphics,insert                         J. Littman                                   "Ingredients for Success"                                        PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       258Insert in "PC in the Sky" by J. Littman and M. Friedland, this   article gives a relatively inexpensive list of hardware and soft-ware needed for digital image processing.                        
  74. digital image processing,graphics,insert                         J. Littman                                   "A Hardware Shopping List"                                       PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       262Insert in "PC in the Sky" by J. Littman and M. Friedland, this   article gives a relatively expensive list of hardware for digitalimage processing.                                                
  75. IRS,tax,deduction,insert                                         R. Soucie                                    "Brilliant Deduction"                                            PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       272Review of recent changes to the tax code passed by Congress in   1984, and what it means in terms of PC deductions.  [Also, an    insert entitled "Deducting Your PC"].                            
  76. IRS,tax,deduction,insert                                                                                      "Deducting Your PC"                                              PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       275Insert in "Brilliant Deduction" by R. Soucie, this article spellsout what must be done in order to deduct your PC according to therecent (1984) changes in the tax code.                           
  77. tutorial,Lotus 1-2-3,template,spreadsheet,CVP,model,money,insert D. Hunt                                      "Formulas for Profit"                                            PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       286Tutorial on cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis using a Lotus 1-2-3spreadsheet.  [Also, an insert entitled "The Mechanics of CVP"].                                                                  
  78. tutorial,CVP,model,finance,cost-volume-profit,money,insert                                                    "The Mechanics of CVP"                                           PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       288Insert in "Formulas for Profit" by D. Hunt, this article gives   the details for developing a cost-volume-profit (CVP) model.                                                                      
  79. help,Q&A,printer,1-2-3,DOS,pfs:Write,AVAILDEV,key,VCR,RF,random  S. Cook (Editor)                             STAR-DOT-STAR                                                    PC World84/12a Dec v.2 n.13       3011)Printer commands in 1-2-3, 2)Data labels for floating legends  in 1-2-3, 3)Adding DOS to pfs:Write, 4)DOS tips, 5)Undocumented  DOS (AVAILDEV), 6)Key redefine, 7)VCR/RF modulator, 8)Random no. 
  80. editorial,commentary,software industry,shakeout                  D. Bunnell                                   "The Gilded Age of Software Development"                         PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec.  11The premature shakeout of the software industry is discussed.                                                                                                                                      
  81. editorial,commentary,1985 Software Review,cover story            J. Schaffner                                 "All You Can Eat - $3.50"                                        PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec.  16Overview of the contents of this special 1985 Annual Software    Review including how to use it.                                                                                                   
  82. Software Review,integrated                                       R. Luhn                                      "Integrated Applications"                                        PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec.  20Software Review lead-in article to integrated software packages.                                                                                                                                   
  83. Software Review,word processor                                   D. DiNucci                                   "Word Processing"                                                PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec.  46Software Review lead-in article to wordprocessing programs.                                                                                                                                        
  84. Software Review,spreadsheet                                      A. T. Williams                               "Spreadsheets"                                                   PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec.  76Software Review lead-in article to spreadsheet programs.                                                                                                                                           
  85. Software Review,DBM,database                                     W. Sirota                                    "Data Management"                                                PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec.  86Software Review lead-in article to database management programs.                                                                                                                                   
  86. Software Review,communication                                    E. Brown                                     "Communications"                                                 PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec. 106Software Review lead-in article to communication programs.                                                                                                                                         
  87. Software Review,graphics                                         D. McCune                                    "Graphics"                                                       PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec. 130Software Review lead-in article to graphics packages.                                                                                                                                              
  88. Software Review,accounting,business management,finance,money     K. Greenberg                                 "Accounting, Business Management, and Financial Applications"    PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec. 154Software Review lead-in article to accounting, business manage-  ment, and financial software packages.                                                                                            
  89. Software Review,farm,construction,legal,medical,real estate,math K. Seger                                     "Job-Specific Applications"                                      PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec. 214Software Review lead-in article to job-specific applications     software.                                                                                                                         
  90. Software Review,education,personal management,game,entertain     C. Whyte                                     "Education, Personal Management, and Entertainment"              PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec. 252Software Review lead-in article to education, personal manage-   ment, and entertainment (game) software.                                                                                          
  91. Software Review,operating systems,language,utility,editor        L. Kermel                                    "System Software"                                                PC World84/12b Dec v.2 n.14 Spec. 294Software Review lead-in article to operating system software,    utilities, editors, and languages.                                                                                                
  92. \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \